mercredi 23 avril 2014

Wear theatre costume in your everyday life

By Emma Zarifi

I met Emma at Cult Mountain and by the way she was dressed (yes I am the kind of person you judge a book by its cover)  I immediately wanted to know her.  

By Emma Zarifi
" Emma ZARIFI performance artist & image maker.  Her work is based on her own experiences & journey throughout her life, use of vivid colour to express personality" I felt that statement was perfect to match with my colourful world 

By Emma Zarifi
The dolls bride costume was made for Sue Kreitzman performance at Cult Mountain, I think I have an obsession with wedding dress,  (a bit worrying). I like them big fluffy meringue with vintage lace or lots of tulle   like my halloween costume of last year (not this one, the year before) where I dressed as a dead bride.  

By Emma Zarifi

Ring available on my online shop 

By Emma Zarifi

By Emma Zarifi

The head piece is made just with black baby dolls  (which are harder to find!) 
This dress is also inspired by the piece "Childhood" by the artist Charles Pfahl who I find the work really powerful.   

 “Childhood” series feature baby dolls and stuffed animals experiencing various forms of suffocation or decay.  In these images,  we don't know if Charles Pfahl explores his childhood in particular the nature of childhood and memory more generally but it is interesting that like in my work (even if I am not trying to say I am at the same level) dolls are a introspective medium viscerally linked to a muddled aspect of childhood. 

As you may have noticed, I don't really dress according to the last trend. I love former theatre costume, colourful dress, that my Mum find for me at charity shops. Something a bit outdated, with a strange length or a colours you wouldn't think wearing this season.  Something atemporal that doesn't belong to any specific style like this blue dress which makes me feel like the blue fairy in Pinocchio.  

By Emma Zarifi

By Emma Zarifi

Ok, I am not a dancer. I am as graceful as a broomstick, when I was 6 years old I went to dance class like all the little girl, (I was really disappointed when I realised you had to wear body and leggings and not a a ballet tutu.  ,  I was so bad that for the end of the year show they put me at very back to limit the damage. But the floaty aspect of  the pleat make me feel like trying some new dance steps! 

necklace available on my online shop 

With Britt Foe at a Cult Mountain Party, Coral & blue mach so well!

By Emma Zarifi
I feel this is a bit like a flamenco dress. I took of the barbie flowers from the  pink dress I made before to stitch them on this new red dress in order to always recycle myself! 
By Emma Zarifi

And  a bit of Lego for the road...
Featuring my beloved vinage Fendi skirt! 

Wearing my Lego jacket perfecto upside down, back and front! 

I live this picture that Emma took on the spot whereas I was offering some tea, my kitchen suddenly feels so 70s! 

In L'édition du Soir, Ouest France, (vive la Bretagne! thanks to the awesome Marie-Paula from Mademoiselle Marie.

Lovely interview about my work and my vision of art and life (seems quite pompous when I say it like this but it is actually quite light-hearted ) On the Dainty Dolls house
It is so nice to see all the adorable comments and the feed back on my work, as it only makes sense in the relationship with an audiences.   
"Her contribution to the Artistic world is one of bright colours, different ways of thinking, happiness & most of all for me - uniqueness! When we live in a world that we're constantly pushed to be the is refreshing to find someone who breaks free of that & let's her creative nature run wild!" 

"I love that she doesn't back down to the society norm. She's true to herself. I respect that immensely" I don't know if I achieve that in my work but if someone I don't know can perceive it, it is already a small victory for me! 

1 commentaire:

  1. Amazing array of the blue dress...I am not a dancer either, I wish I was, but I would most likely fall to the ground because I had tripped over something ;-) This art piece by Charles, I like it, I can feel something for it, like childhood left behind or lost even. Like this is where it all ends up. Definite connections to it. The lego jacket is amazing, ha. And am happy you liked the post I did about you, many were very intrigued by you & discovered something new :)) I hope you have a great weekend xx
