vendredi 6 septembre 2013

Luxurioux Snacks

“One should either be a work of art, or wear a work of art” Oscar Wilde

LUXURIOUX (n) extremely comfortable, elegant or enjoyable, especially in a way that involves expense. Self-indulgent.
SNACKS (n) a small amount of food eaten between meals.

Luxurious snacks epitomises the condition of theatre.
Luxurious snacks is all we can offer to each other, it is all what we can offer to you.
Just do it.
But do it with style.

“Elegance is the quality of conduct which transforms the greatest amount of being into appearing” Sartre

We are El soir.
We are the party.

It was quite a simple costume, white shirt and black trousers. One morning,  when I was taking my coffee in the kitchen already dressed in my performance costume, my flatmate was like: "oh why you are dressing like that, are you going to a job interview?  

So when you are a performer, you wear suit not because you got a job but because you have to play serious part on a stage. At some point it was really depressing for me because I was in a performance where I had to be dressed with office clothes so I was dressing like that everyday and I was thinking to myself -"I choose theatre to be allow to dress crazily and i'm ending up wearing a suit every day"… but that's another story… 

This performance is an experimentation around the concept of the aestheticisation of life through a Camp perspective. Inspired by the pictures of Norman Parkinson, Erwin Blumenfeld or Helmut Newton  Simon has quite a different aesthetic from mine.  His vision of  fashion as glamourous, minimalistic and elegant ( actually really more French than I do)- quite differs from my  colourful  quirky style. When we were sourcing, props in the costume department I was "Oh! can I get this pink hat?! " No, Sophie, remember, the colours are black, white and gold glitter" nothing else. 
So i learned a lot working with Simon,  that an uncluttered style could create more stylised and striking images. Performance wise,  the simplification of costume allow  the audience to focus more on face expressions emphasised by the make up. 

Experimenting with projections, with a white shirt you become a blank canvas that creates a kind of "interactive x- ray costume" a a reflection of the inner emotions of the character through movies.  

Couldn't resist to involve barbie  and Ken as guest stars  into the performance as a medium to question the concept of gender. 

I love glitter, I'm like a magpie, when i'm going to charity shops, my eyes are automatically attracted by the rail with the ugly ice skater 80s sequins, if I could I will wear glitter every day -Wait! I could if I want - But GLITTER IS A CURSE, all the babies wipes of boots will not sweeten this little face! days and days after people are "you have something shiny on your face" And you can also spot them on your flatmates faces! We had read glitter shoes and I could find them on  my flat, months after the actual performance! 

 But as a child never played barbie in front of projection to create kind shadow puppet! 

I'm sure Gaga got inspired by Luxurioux snacks for her last video clip! 

“It’s very different performing for a camera than performing for 50,000 people. It feels different, and I truly miss them. So I took my hands and I smudged the makeup down my face like tears, and I began to cry while I was singing, singing, ‘I live for the applause"

Experimentation with the green screen 

Bang Bang, he shot me down

In the name of love is a loose adaptation of “Les Enfants Terribles” by J.Cocteau through the perspective of Camp and experimentations around the performance of gender.

The brother and sister are struggling to tell their story, trying to compete with excessively loud music in a hopeless attempt to be heard from the stage.

What is said is lost but the words are still there, present within the attention to stylised detail and gestures. Underneath the music and choreography the real messages are hidden in envelopes spread about the stage where the audience cannot reach.

An artifice of actions and gestures and constant repetition in a bricolage of references, escapism comes from playing a game in the name of love.
Stuck in a constant cycle, there is only one way to finish what they don’t remember starting.

Stay tuned! You will hear about us soon!   

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