jeudi 11 juillet 2013

Lego experiment

Japanese artist Rie Hosokai, of Daisy Balloon, created this amazing piece of high Lego fashion for Tokyo's "Piece of Peace" charity exhibit at the Parco Museum. Structurally it's simply stunning (albeit a bit Disney Princessy). The construction, contour and shape are based on Hosokai's balloon dress. As an item of haute couture, it's not so utilitarian. But as an avant-garde work-of-Lego-art it's simply stunning.
My future weeding dress 
Here's how Hosokai explains the meaning behind the piece:
"There is fear in that we are all different from one another, but that is also the gateway to self-consciousness.
Self-consciousness was once whole, but in the modern trend where all things whole get broken down, it too is about to get deconstructed.
For that reason, people now seek to reconstruct their consciousness by extending it onto others.
Through this process of extension, we have learned to unravel things down to their basic elements.
We are succeeding at digging up new knowledge of what it is we all share.
This knowledge that bonds different people together seems to appear suddenly, but in reality it is already coded into our planet, our universe.
We construct things from the most basic building blocks.
What are we to discover from this process?
To find the answer, we must continue to turn our gaze toward those around us. - Text by Arata Sasaki

After a car accident, the brave Christina Stevens  created the world’s first prosthetic leg made entirely from LEGO.

She said: “It only took me about two hours to make the Lego leg, but I filmed it over two days.
“People mostly seem to think the Lego leg is awesome and they love how creative I have been with my situation, having had to lose my foot to an accident.”

I remember as a kid I used to make roll skates with  with lego with big lego plate and lego train wheels ...but it wasn't really stable. 

My friend Martina Kao, student in fashion design at London college of Fashion explored futuristic design. We thought that Lego necklaces with their geometrical shapes and bright colours could match perfectly with a this style. 

This necklace is like a piano keyboard on which I had the lego bricks according to the size of each key. 

A hand on a hand- five fingers on a finger -a mise en abime 

Because theses ring are a bit threatening, could be the rings of a serial killer, the great photograph Taka Yoshiken it would be great to take some picture in front of Jack the Ripper shop in Bricklane. 

pictures by Taka Yoshiken

I made this necklace for my friend's birthday - at that time, I was writing dissertation for my MA  so I didn't have time to source material. I had to make something with what I already got. And I had this stupid but brilliant idea "what happens if you put lego in the microwaves?"

Kids, don't do that at home without an adult presence.

With the heat, lego are melting, get distorted. It's  a bit like roast marshmallows on the fire, the square  shape changes and become  like Dali's watches. 

Melting make the lego more like sculptural objects and entails an interesting work on texture. The heart of the necklace is like a plastic gypsum flower. 

On this necklace -I really like the combination of transparent material and bright colour lego! 

Usually, I'm wearing Yueer beautiful design but this time we exchanged role and she is gracefully wearing my jewels! 

You can also modify  the colour of lego with spray paint and make gold one, They  look like gold bar and seem really precious! 

From white to gold - Lego gradual transformation. 

Yueer asked me to add some golden lego on a simple ring, I like the play around volume using flat and square one. 
A beautiful golden lego 

Adding some pearl on a dinosaur skeleton can make it looks really precious! 

You can even paint on lego, changing them from monochrome to multi-colours, make a kind of arty version of it by creating some patterns. I used nail polish for this one if feel like a Japanese etchings 

Last but not least- Jenny student in fashion design at London College of Fashion wanted me to wear a collection because she wanted a performer for embody the "tomboy style, exploring androgyny in fashion identity. 
pictures by Quentin Qui

For the hair style, Jenny used  gorgeous decorations that males performers wear in chinese opera. I find really interesting to see that something perceived as a feminine accessories in a western culture won't be in another-one and vice versa. 

I love this elegant jacket divided in two different parts playing around the ambiguity between masculine and feminine. The fabric is amazing embroidered with thousands of tiny sequins. 

pictures by Quentin Qui

when the stylist is not looking...

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