jeudi 2 mai 2013

Recycled lives

Theses pictures are taking  by Ota Souchiro near Primrose hill a early cold afternoon of this endless Londoner winter. I like his timeless, melancholic and romantic aesthetic which I feel reveal another dimension to my jewels different from my usual saturated coloured world. ( i feel i'm talking as i was exhibiting some work at the Tate least i'm not saying yet that my creations are post dramatic). 

I'm SO jalousie this guy Staney Colorite, i wish I could have as many barbies as him (not sure they would remain in one piece!)?This guy is collected barbies dolls for 16 years, 
He has more than 3000 pieces and spends $30,000 a year to complete his collection. His most expensive dills is a pink splendour barbies which worth a thousand dollars. 
Read more about him here

Jason Freeny is a fan of the inside of things.  He always digs into the anatomy of things. Does barbies has an heart? I opened a lot of barbies and from my experience, it's all empty inside, but there is something poetic about this plastic dissection, which give density to barbie's body. 

Jason Frenny Barbie's anatomy 

Barbie has a long history of images problems Whether for her disproportionate waist size, her job choices or her accessories, the 54-year-old beauty icon has faced harsh criticism over the years. And now her makeup is the focus of scrutiny.Nickolay Lamm an artist and researcher from Pittsburgh, decided to give Barbie a make-under after seeing a viral image that depicted a sickly-looking Barbie.  

Lamm set off on his own “mini investigation” to uncover Barbie’s natural face, and he collaborated with another artist to take photos of Barbie, as well as her Bratz and Disney contemporaries, with clean faces, removing their makeup via Photoshop.

Nickolay Lam
I think it's a very interesting and subversive way of using photoshop which is alway used to fake and embellish reality. Here Nickolay Lamn, is faking the reality (Barbie is always eating make up and remove it can only be done on a computer) but the other way round, revealing what barbie looks unartful. 

A picture taken by my Dad at Venice Carnival (here , his  amazing picture of Venice masks) , this is the bottom of dress with animated Ken and barbies. I like the fact that every time a member of my family see something related to barbie he send it to me!

I made this skirts stitching the barbies by the hair to a belt. I feel like creepy vahine who use barbies bodies instead of using palm tree leaves. 

A barbie is the best head piece, Marie Antoinette had elaborated and really heavy wigs,  sometimes even with boats models in it, so why not using barbies? 
...The only problems was it was so windy that the barbie was always falling down…

I like this really strange polaroid, which didn't reveal itself properly, making the scene quite worrying, with the black spot and the hair of the barbie it look like a small galaxy on my shoulder. 

by Souichiro Ota

I made this necklace for my friend birthday, for me it's look like dream catcher, but with barbies arms instead of feather, barbies limbs becomes charms, magic talisman! 

by Souichiro Ota

I already have some pictures of this necklace here, but i feel, it changes completely according to the eye of the photographer, Ota had the idea to wear it has a head piece and it change completely the aesthetic of the jewel, making it as an oriental diadem. 

Coffee break- I made this ring with a piece& love base ring, filling holes with parts of barbies faces. The strange things about this ring is that the deconstructed-reconstructed barbie face, as a Picasso painting doesn't look like a barbie face anymore.

My interview on

My friend Martina Kao  is studying fashion design at London college of fashion, and she asked me to wear her garment inspired by French baroque, (even if i'm not the typical french girl at all, people here always tell me that's i'm SO french) and i choose to wear my barbie necklace with it which matched perfectly. 

The designer wearing my creations! 

"à l'ombre des jeunes filles en fleurs" 

With this necklace, I like the way shoes are framed like in a showcase. 
With this hair clip, it's like having a shoes wardrobe on your head! 

Barbie arouses nostalgia of ourself, I like making jewels that create narrative, that make people talking about their childhood. With this hair clip, a girl in a party told me "i remember i use to always loose one shoe so my barbie was always half barefoot. Then the conversation  then the conversation drift and she talks about her childhood in Russia "Because my sister was 6 years older than me,  when she was a child, it was very difficult to get products from America so when she offered me my first Barbie, she actually wanted to keep it for herself"…and in my mind,   i was imagined a barbie with a chapka  walking in the snow with only one shoes on the sound of a a Red army song. 

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