dimanche 18 novembre 2012

Shake your pills

I have to make this pills jacket, necklace and hat for the show "Nina is Mad" performed in Central Saint Martins in january 2012. 

 The hat is made with hundreds of prozac capsules (empty one of course!)

I spend days and nights sewing them on the jacket and the hat by hand. It would have been more easy to glue everything but I was quite obstinate in my idea on and I didn't want to hear other people advice, at least I didn't get depressed after all this antidepressant pills! 

The thing is, I absolutely wanted to keep the design that I had in mind inspired the aesthetic of hairstyle in the roaring twenties that you can find in the Great Gatsby or Cotton Club combined but the hat of Cleopatra in Mankiewicz version? And yet, you can't keep the "floating" effect if you glue them all.

Elizabeth Taylor in Cleopatra Mankiewicz (1963) , Diane Lane in Cotton club, Francis Ford Coppola (1984), Mia Farrow in The Great Gatsby, Jack Clayton (1974). 

I guess I like the aesthetic of accumulation of things like toys or little objects. For me, the fact to be able to collect a lot of them always strengthens the effect. 

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