lundi 24 novembre 2014

Disapproved by Paul Smith

picture by Tania Olive 

One of the craziest request I ever had; "I would like a fake grass skirt" with all my animal farm of when I was a kid stitched on it", do you think it is possible?  -Yes of course (at this precise moment I had no idea of how I will do it but I like challenges). 

Mood board, yes I an not the only one crazy person to have created a fake grass outfit! 
picture by Tania Olive 
First i had to find the best fake grass in a carpet shop (imagine the face of the sales assistant when I said it was for a skirt and not for my garden).  Fortunately I had the expertise of Vanessa Murell a very good pattern cutter and the help of Petita Lachatrose.  I
picture by Tania Olive 
It was quite an unusual material to work with, heavy, quite hard to stitch in and very messy (I had bits fake grass all over my place).  I love the idea to divert the purpose of the fake grass and turn the human body into a walking landscape.  

A week end on the country side?  I have thd perfect outfit for you 
twins miniature  barbie earrings available on my online shop 

dinosaur necklace available on my online shop 
picture by Tania Olive 
picture by Tania Olive 

I've already made a fairy tale necklace for Sue Kreitzman ( see previous post on my blog and instagram picture).  

To match the necklace I created this pink castle headpiece (a dolls castle found in a pound shop that I turned into a hat).  I was inspired by Isabelle Blow crazy headpiece and a hero from my childhood, "Motordu Prince"  who wears a castle on his head (in French a "chateau" instead of a "chapeau") 

picture by Tania Olive 

On this one I use the baroque element decoration, the cute princesses figurines, magic props & objects, lots of gems and glitter in order to create my own fairy tale. I like to create pieces that tells a story.  

picture by Tania Olive 

picture by Tania Olive 

This is the new piece I made for Sue Kreitzman, a Mexican aesthetic with beads & pearl on a leather base plastron. 
picture by Tania Olive 
 I found theses miniature dolls with a soft body on which I could embroider heterogenous objects and beads in order to turn them  turn into Sabbath Queen and Mexican & Aztec Goddesses.  
picture by Tania Olive 
Baroque Cancan necklace available on my online shop 
Bar 90 organised a club and a movie night around the documentary about "Bar 25" a famous club in Berlin throwing very extravagant parties which had to shut.  

"Pearl Goddess" by Damien Frost 

The invited circus artists and I though it was an occasion to experiment further with my white dress performance (read the article on my blog). I designed this more circusy totally white costume. 

"Pearl Goddess" by Damien Frost 
To play on the concept of white I create this white version of Frida Kahlo headpiece and instead of putting my pearl necklace around my neck, I pinned them to my headpiece (you need a lot of pins!)  to shift their normal position. I also created to pearl eyebrows to become  a "Pearl Goddess".  
The headpiece is a mosquito net  found by my Mum in a charity shop.  I wanted to turn into my own Circus tent! 
"Pearl Goddess" by Damien Frost 
The idea was to turn the outfit of the sad clown, the Pierrot in the Moonlight into a more flamboyant circus costume through the interaction with the audience covering it with paint & glitters.  

The  First reaction was  "Are you sure you want to ruin your dress It would broke my heart".   But I felt it was  the  purpose of it, linking to the tragic destiny of this Berlin club. This is the essence of performance, the luxury and the generosity of the ephemeral show which in a twinkle of an eye,  destruct a beautiful costume that took ages to make. From flamboyance to decadence.  

Fashion shoot styled by Gianfranco Colla in a Kitsch and pop aesthetic using 70s floral background: 

Ken & Barbie necklace and barbie hands earrings available on my online shop 

Barbie brooch 

My monopoly necklace 

Miniature Lego headpiece 

Pink hair barbie necklace available on my online shop 

Barbie & Ken love necklace available on my online shop 

Lego earrings and ring available on my online shop 

As always to finish, the Info point. This week I am in the French magazine, Le Point about London.  The comment is the more stupid I've never read. Paul Smith is just an old man that doesn't understand anything to the 21st century trends, he is the flagship of a boring, conformist and commercial fashion arousing all the  brainwashing prejudices of mainstream fashion magazines.  

At least it provoked debate around my Facebook community who praised individual style and celebrated self expression so I am happy to say that "disapproved by Paul Smith" is my new trademark…and also I am just next to the queen! 

samedi 15 novembre 2014

Butchers Live Window

by Anthony Lycett 

Would you go to a hairdressing salon called "Butchers"? 

Of course yes! Mastering the art of hype haircut, all the colourful hair of Shorditch are stamped "Butchers
by Anthony Lycett 
When I saw a status on facebook about them looking for someone feeling the space of the window, I immediately thought about my creative partner in crime Loulou Reloulou to collaborate on a project.  

All the necklaces available on my online shop 
The necklace are with barbie brushes and combs or vampires to link up with the hairdresser theme. The idea was to play with a common reference object. 

I already worked with hair and wigs for my last Halloween performance (see the article on my blog)  using barbie hair, mainly blond, re-enacting Yoko Uno cutting piece by inviting the audience to cut some hair of my dress creating an evaluating garment according to the audience's cut of scissors.  

With theses dress, I tried to push the idea a step further  using colourful syntactical wigs. I created 3 dresses to respond to the triptych   composition of the window. Each of the three dresses correspond to a different hairstyle: the fringe one, more 20s style, the long raid hair extension one, more unicorn style and the plate & dread locks one, more sexy and organic.  Which one is my favourite?  I love them all! 
inspiration: Maurice & Bourgeois

Hair dress for fashion show & Lady Gaga, Charlie Le Mindu 

Hair collar by Clara Chérie for Sarainlovewith

By Damien Frost 

By Damien Frost 
Loulou made her psychedelic and pop drawing and to create a connection and a narrative she made this little dolls, that we hang on the ceiling, with big red extension, linking dresses and different of the window together.  

We took a all day to set up the window. It was not easy to hang our dress,  and we had to find the right technic. Being creative is also about being handy and practical otherwise your visions never comes true! 
by Anthony Lycett 
It is a very weird  and tricky material to work with, with a very different behaviour than the fabric you have to pay attention to hair doesn't go everywhere.  A friend saw me during the process "I don't know you had a cat now" Oh no, I am just making a hairy dress! fortunately I had the lovely Eve Smadar helping me for the plates one! 
By Sylwia Grzegórzko 

By Sylwia Grzegórzko 
By Sylwia Grzegórzko 

By Sylwia Grzegórzko 
By Sylwia Grzegórzko 
By Sylwia Grzegórzko 

By Sylwia Grzegórzko 

By Sylwia Grzegórzko 
By Sylwia Grzegórzko 

On the first performance,  Loulou got her hair tangled  her hair in the wool of the structure, creating a continuity between the structure of the window and her own body,  becoming part and parcel with the all installation.  
By Sylwia Grzegórzko 
By Sylwia Grzegórzko 

By Sylwia Grzegórzko 
By Sylwia Grzegórzko 
 Owandji.V.O @mosaiqe 

We used this performance as recreational and atemporal  moment, recreating our own microcosm with our own conventions  inventing new games, hide and seek in a big colourful spider web, frenetically  brushings dolls, my little pony, each others dress, shoes, eyebrows, everything except the natural hair.   
 Owandji.V.O @mosaiqe 

Trying to develop an interaction with the people from the street 

 Owandji.V.O @mosaiqe 

 Owandji.V.O @mosaiqe 
 Owandji.V.O @mosaiqe 
"A colourful playground, full of hairy monsters and psychedelic dolls, where hair grows on dresses and candy haired toys are butchered.

At the beginning we wanted to invite the customer to cut the dress, to reproduce on the dress what they are experimenting on themselves" 

 Owandji.V.O @mosaiqe 
The three performers looked like a mix   between punk version of the 3 Parcae,  female personification of destiny, controlling the metaphorical thread of life of every mortal and immortal from birth to death and a colourful  Edward Sissorhands on acid.  

by Anthony Lycett 

Wearing my little pony dress 
by Anthony Lycett 

by Anthony Lycett 

by Anthony Lycett 

by Anthony Lycett 

by Anthony Lycett 

by Anthony Lycett 

Alternating movement and stillness, this performance plays around the concept of the uncanny, this blurred line between the animate and the inanimate, the dead and alive playing on the ambiguity between mannequin an real actual human being. 

 You could see people startling realising it wasn't mannequin on the window but real girls.  It was an interesting experimentation around the interaction.  what is more engaging for the audience when we engage directly with them or if we interact just between each other.  

We also alternated different type of mood, subtle, hardly perceptible gestures and full-own dynamic moment like a Kawaï girl power band (silent disco lip-sinking music in the wind with inflatable guitar and imaginary instruments.  

Article about the window in Time out!